by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Bean and Brown Rice Burrito

A recently conducted Harris Interactive poll shows that Americans are saving money by cutting back on convenience lunches and to-go coffee.

In October, Harris Interactive asked adults what they were doing to save money. 

It found that 45% of all Americans are brown-bagging their lunch instead of buying it and 22% have completely stopped buying coffee in the morning. 

The numbers are even greater among those between the ages of 34 and 45, with 62% bringing lunch from home and 35% no longer buying morning coffee.

Even though this trend is a result of tight budgets, it does have benefits. Packing lunch from home is a healthier alternative to lunches that are purchased from vending machines and fast food restaurants.

Try these tips to successfully develop a habit of packing your own lunch from home:

  • Invest in an insulated lunch box and reusable plastic storage containers.
  • Plan what you will eat and prepare as much as possible ahead of time.
  • Think about what appliances are available at work. Do you have access to a refrigerator or microwave?
  • Save money and make use of leftovers. Need inspiration check out some leftover recipe ideas.
  • If you eat at your desk on a regular basis, pack foods that are easy to eat like a Chicken Salad Wrap or BLT Garden Pita.
  • Include inexpensive proteins like beans. Try a quick and easy recipe of Bean and Rice Burritos or choose from lots of other burrito recipes.
  • Curb afternoon trips to the vending machine by including a Pumpkin Oat Bran Muffin or Low-Fat Chocolate Brownie. It’s easy and fun to make up muffin recipes on the weekend for use during the week. You can even treat yourself by making some healthy cookie recipes.

Save money today and make healthier choices by joining the brown-bagging trend. Your wallet, waistline and health will love you for it.
